The Everlasting Monday

A novel by Ruth Calder Murphy with Mathew Taylor
For more information about how The Everlasting Monday was written, click here
About The Book
The Everlasting Monday takes Rob and Kate, star-struck lovers whose families have been estranged for twenty years, into the most startling adventure they could never have imagined. Their own story runs alongside a far older one, into which they are drawn and which grows into something terrifyingly immediate and scarily out of their control.Through dreams that are more real than reality, angels who appear in their living rooms and lives that are more rollercoaster than routine, Kate and Rob are drawn inexorably back together - and at the same time, back to something altogether bigger.
"The Everlasting Monday is one of the freshest and most unique books I have read since the Harry Potter series. The authors, Ruth Calder Murphy and Mathew Taylor have stepped beyond the confines of literary genre to create a piece of fiction that is romance, adventure, thriller, historical fiction, and more. Much more. This is not the typical book, but rather one that will have you laughing, crying, sitting on the edge of your seat, and, most importantly thinking in ways that you may have never known you could.
Ms. Calder Murphy and Mr. Taylor have done an outstanding job of weaving an intricate and surprising plot with exquisite writing. The characters are so well developed that you feel very quickly like you have met friends - friends that you want to engage with. Friends that, perhaps, one day you will engage with. Sandwiched between covers adorned with Ms. Calder Murphy's original drawing and painting, The Everlasting Monday is a pure joy to read."
"This is a 'must read' for anyone who wants something a little bit different. I found it thoroughly absorbing, interesting and thought provoking. All the references to other literature and art work, including quotes from the Bible, made me want to investigate or, in some cases, revisit them.
The storyline is original and fascinating and the main two characters are very believable; evoking both sympathy and empathy from the reader. I really cared about them and was keen to know their fate - which I'm not going to give away here! You'll have to read it to find out! Some of the other characters (one in particular) felt like 'old friends' towards the end of the book.
This book will always hold a special place in my heart, as I read some of it whilst on honeymoon in Sicily, and it is one that I will definitely read again! Well done, Ruth Calder-Murphy and Matthew Taylor, for you have created something very special."
"This is an excellent read and crosses many genres. There is romance, mystery, philosophy and theology.
It isn't like any book I've read, though it has echoes of C.S.Lewis and Jostein Gaarder.
I've read it through once and look forward to reading it again. A really worthwhile read."