Ghost Dance

Ghost Dance is the first volume in the series of collected poems by Ruth Calder Murphy - "The Dance".
Each volume of "The Dance" contains around two hundred poems, arranged in chronological order to give the reader a sense of the author's journey.
"Poet, Ruth Calder Murphy has created a collection of poetry that is thought provoking and memorable.
The poetry runs the gamut of human emotions and experiences.
Themes that are provocative and original, at times disturbing. "
"Ghost Dance is filled, from cover to cover, with the full spectrum of the human experience. This is an exquisite collection of poetry that left me breathless at times, at others delivered a blow right to the gut, whilst a few pages later had me soaring the heavens and singing the praises of life. In addition to the author's command of language - her ability to bathe each thought with streams of colour disguised as words - Ghost Dance is more than simply a book of poetry, it is an experience. Not only was I able to relate and connect with each poem, by the time I was a quarter of the way into the book I began to connect with the author herself and by the time closing the back cover was the only thing left to do, I felt that I had made a close friend. I would not hesitate to recommend Ghost Dance to anyone who likes poetry, or for that matter, anyone who appreciates life in all its glorious offerings. "