I'm not an expert on Holistic living, but I'm learning to be a practitioner of it.
Put simply, this means that I'm trying to live as though everything's connected.
Firstly, within myself:
My body to my mind to my spirit.
Secondly, with everything else:
Myself to yourself, and us to Everything - to the Earth, to the physical world beyond the Earth and to Spirit/Source/The Divine, which is in and through all.
A lot of my poetry and fiction deals with this sort of thing, but this page isn't so much for my own thoughts (that'll be on my blog and in my other writing) but as a link to other websites that might be of interest in this context. Feel free to browse and get back to me with feedback and suggestions.
NB: Arciemme.com cannot be held responsible for content or infringements on other sites. If you have an issue with any other site (including those linked here) please approach the owners of those sites directly. Thank you.